Saturday 12 March 2011

left neglect

Winery outside of Cape Town

Erin driving on the other side of the road

Me attempting to navigate the crazy roads

Driving on the other side of the road turned out to be quite a trip.  Erin described the sensation as comparable to left neglect.  For those of you not in health care, left  neglect is a condition after a stroke when you completely ignore the left side of your body (or in our case the left side of the car).  We expected turning to be difficult to stay in the right lane but the left neglect was an unexpected phenomenon.  As the passenger in the left side of the car, I held my breath a couple of times as we passed a little to close to things:)   All in all I'd say we did a good job.  We somehow never managed to end up on the wrong side of the road..which was a miracle. We're beginning to feel like being on the left side of the road is becoming a little bit too normal...could be interesting when we get back to the US!

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