Tuesday 8 March 2011

hello. how are you?

that's how i've been taught to start anything i say here in south africa.  if you don't, you get crazy mean looks because it's rude to walk up and ask someone something before asking how they are.

so here i am three and a half weeks into this south african journey and i'm finally starting a blog.  i had planned to do it earlier...really i had.  but i feel like it has taken me this long to even have the capacity to write about what i'm experiencing here.  i spent the first two weeks shell-shocked.  my prayer was just that i would take everything in without becoming numb and store it away to process later.  i still don't feel like i have the capactiy to fully process what i'm seeing here.  i think that could take years.  but i at least am past the shell-shock.  so i'll attempt to share what i'm seeing here.

my hope is that these aren't just stories that you read.  i know the temptation is for them to sound like sad ideas but seem so unreal and removed from your life.  but i can't tell you how real they are...the suffering is real, the people are real, the pain is real, the brokenness is real, it is all incredibly real.  i'm not that into blogs but i feel like this is a story that must be shared.  so with that being said here's my story....

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